Digital Studies Final Project: Twitter Trends

Lucy Schraff
1 min readMay 3, 2021


For my final project for this class, I decided to do an infographic about online trends. I think trends are a huge part of the internet, whether that is trending websites or services, or trending topics on social media websites.

For my project, I decided to focus on Twitter trends. Twitter trends are based on hashtag usage, and general topics of discussion throughout a certain time period.

In order to create my project, I used Canva. I began by setting up an infographic template, and adding the appropriate text for my title, and each year I was featuring (I focused on the 2010s). Next, I researched Twitter trends for each individual year, and I added that information with a couple of pictures to each year’s section. Lastly, I gathered all my sources and put them at the bottom of my infographic.

Here it is, I hope you enjoy it!

